My Campus Blush

Beauty... is the shadow of God on the universe. ~Gabriela Mistral, Desolacíon


Michael Vincent Lee , Mikee as his friends know him, is a third year BS Management Engineering Student at the Ateneo de Manila. He was born in January 14, 1990. Mikee had his elementary and Secondary education also at the Ateneo.

Even in his younger years, Mikee has always been enthusiastic with studying and learning new things. This explains why he never fails to excel in his academics.

His claim to fame was when he joined the highly acclaimed Reality Television Show Pinoy Big Brother as one of the housemates.

Upon entering college, he maintained his academic performance while at the same time, also doing stints in acting and modeling.

When in Ateneo, he can usually be seen chilling at the Cafeteria, JSEC, Library or Metteo Ricci.

Mikee’s dream is to someday be a CEO of a multi-national company. Not far from reality eh?

About this blog

My Campusblush is managed by group called Alpha3creatives.

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